Matthew Gioia

This is Matthew, but I like to call him Matty, who is often found working his muscles, as he does daily, be it via hanging upside down on the rings, walking the slack line or doing hand-to-earth pushups. Sometimes I look out the Meeting Room window only to find Matt balancing on the Gaga Ball fence – his balance is impeccable. While his physical strength impresses us all it’s the strength of his heart and mind that we are grateful for. He is our Admissions Director, Official Authorities Clerk and the PR writer. He is the face and voice of our school. And he does it all with an articulate grace. Maybe it’s because he uses a standing desk, forages mushrooms and cooks all his food from the finest ingredients – a few years ago he even built and slept in a natural debris hut. He’s not afraid to pull a prank, to join imaginary games, to practice modern dance, to talk history, or to bring a controversial motion to School Meeting. He reads books and is constantly challenging himself and us. When goings get tough, and sometimes they do, he’s the one I call first – why, because he keeps his composure, he looks at every side of the situation, and then he thoughtfully and calmly lifts me right back up; his manner is subtle and genuine. The love and pride Mattthew has for our community is clear and contagious – it makes us strong. He is the quintessence of the Sudbury philosophy and for that we are thankful.